Monday, 24 November 2014

Gladstone at the Purple Turtle, Camden.

Halloween at the Purple Turtle.

    The iconic venue The Purple Turtle hosted the awesome night that was THE Halloween place to be in London, the line up included The Memepunks, Gladstone and Aurelio Voltaire.
The Memepunks

    First up was the super fun mash up band The Memepunks, in a jocular fashion they smashed together songs you will recognise with theme tunes that you will also recognise to produce a heady mix of musical fun.  While dancing, there will also be humming and singing along; catch them if you can.
    Next up were your old mates Gladstone who gave their all despite gremlins in the bass amp!! They kicked off with Night Creatures then Bluey, The Madness of Tilly Matthews, Newgate and Twisted Lip, next was the new song Gaslight which went down a treat, during one of the bassless bits Dave and Spook performed Jack Hall which was followed by Dr Dexter's Dream and The Curse of Tutankhamun, a superb gig which every member of Gladstone hugely enjoyed, it was so good to see Cloud back on guitar after his short break.
    Finally it was over to the headliner Aurelio Voltaire who was, as always, very popular with the crowd with his Gothic folk extravaganza, he was indeed raised by bats!!

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    Many thanks Heather and Graham Hayden for selling so many Gladstone CD's and to the following for the photos Loz Fancourt, Julia Gosling, Gordon spook Stoker and Edmund West, here's some more;


Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Steampunk at The Workhouse.

A Full Steam Metal Racket Miracle!!!

    With the final demise of Alt-Fest after what seemed like an age of rumour a new festival was put together in just 10 days!! This miracle was worked by Dale Rowles, Silver Johnson and Rich Starkie (if I've left anyone out I'm sorry) and it comprised of the Steampunk and parts of the S.O.P.H.I.E stage. The venue was that awesome place The Workhouse in Llanfylin, Wales, where we played nearly exactly two years ago.
We left Northampton on the Friday evening and arrived in the middle of the night, we managed to put three tents up by the light of car headlamps, then we were off to the bar for a well earned pint or three. Festivities had started on that Friday night and we were sorry to have missed Montague Jacques Fromage III's opening, Dark Patrick, Needle Poppets, Skreamer and the late night burlesque show, but we really enjoyed ourselves on the Saturday with amazing bands such as Dark Design, King Bains, Mysterious Freakshow, Skorbut, BB Blackdog, The Wattingers (slaughterhouse blues steampunk!! I kid you not), Frenchy and the Punk (so pleased to see them again) and Craig Sheridan all compared fantastically by Mr Montague Jacques Fromage III.
    Gladstone were on at 6pm and we threw ourselves into giving as good a show as we could, this was Captain Joe Sparrowlegs first gig with us on guitar and he proved himself with style, starting off in time honoured tradition with Night Creatures followed by a new song King Ludd, we rattled through Bluey, Newgate, Jack Hall, The Madness of Tilly Matthews, Twisted Lip and another new song Gaslight, Dr Dexter's Dream, Purple Reefer, Mountain King and The Curse of Tutankhamun, finally finishing on Sex Pistols God Save the Queen which saw Spook off into the audience yelling "No Future!!"
    Another drunken night followed with Dale giving us the last bottle of his excellent home made elderflower wine, cheers mate :), songs were sung around the camp fire well into the early hours, we made many new friends and caught up with many old mates, in all it was a fantastic weekend and we look forward to it all happening again next year.
    So, with all this going on what else is there to report, Gladstone are being played regularly on Mick Mercer Radio, for his latest broadcast click here (Mick Mercer Radio broadcast-33-august-24th-2014), the album "Tales from the Jago" is now available on hard copy (at the moment just from gigs) but the bandcamp download is available here Gladstone, Tales from the Jago.for just £6 or individual tracks for £1 each.
    Many, many thanks go to the photographers David Broadbent (DavidBroadbentPhotography), Giles Warhurst (JacklynHyde) and Chris Wolf Deaton (Dark-Wolf-Photography).

Please give us a "like" on Facebook at

    Well that's it for just now, this is Sherlock's Dog signing off, so long, fair well, auf wiedersehen, ta ta ;)

Friday, 25 July 2014


Ladies and Gentlemen GLADSTONE proudly presents.....


Available from 31st July from here; Gladstone, Tales from the Jago.

    This album has been about two years in the making, this is due to it being totally home made, proper Steam PUNK, it was recorded in a work unit in a village in Northamptonshire using equipment bought by Mr Dave Evil who learned how to use it himself, he also rendered the album and mastered it all through trial and error.....but he did it, it took blood, sweat and many tears but he did it!
    The artwork was crafted by our very own Miss Amy "Teacake" Bradford who has recently graduated from university where she studied animation design, she managed to juggle studying and playing in the band for three years, well done Amy.
    What about the name I hear you cry, this was Spooks idea, he reads a lot and he had just finished "Child of the Jago" by Arthur Morrison, the Jago is a fictitious slum in the east end of London approximately where the Old Nichol was just north of Spitalfields, if you want to know more, read it, you won't be disappointed.  
    As for Paul we were so pleased when he returned to the fold as our bassist, it was great to have him back from his short break and the endless re-recording and frustrations have finally born fruit, it is with a heavy heart that we must say goodbye to Cloud Gingeris McBuggerballs V, who remains a close and valued friend, what ever he decides to do and in what direction he wishes to travel we wish him well and all the luck in the world. This album is testament to a band that didn't give up, I hope you enjoy our efforts.

    The album will be released on 31st July and is priced at £6, each track is individually sold at £1, it is downloadable from our Bandcamp page here Gladstone, Tales from the Jago.
    So, what's next for Gladstone, hopefully Alt-Fest will be our next live outing where we will be debuting our new guitarist Captain Joe Sparrowlegs and a couple of new songs "King Ludd" and "Gaslight", after that it's back to the studio and work on another release, lets hope it won't take too long...........

Please give us a "like" on Facebook at

Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Songs for S.O.P.H.I.E.


    People sometimes say to me "Sherlock's Dog....get off the couch!" and at other times say things like "are you an old romantic?", well I suppose I am and a very happy old dog I was when I traipsed up to Stoke-on-Trent with my old mates Gladstone, we were heading for The Underground in Hanley and what a crackin' venue it was. The event was hosted by Ceri Roberts and Rich Starkie of Neon Tiger Productions and was in aid of The Sophie Lancaster Foundation.

Sam & Cal of Hex.
    After a quick load in and sound check it was doors open and away we go.....first to tread the boards was a great band called Hex, these guys are usually a three piece Heavy/Glam rock band but they had been reduced in numbers to two and so armed with acoustic guitars they still rocked the place, they are massively talented and huge fun.
    Next to launch themselves into the spotlight was Gladstone (hurrrahhh!!), Spook, his face hidden within a mask for the sake of public decency, began proceedings with the intro to the first song "Five and twenty ponies trotting through the dark, brandy for the parson, baccy for the clerk ect......" and so Night Creatures began, this was closely followed by Bluey, Newgate, William Winter, The Madness of Tilly Matthews and a new song that was played here for the first time, Springheeled Jack. They then went on to play Twisted Lip, Dr Dexter's Dream, Mountain King, The Curse of Tutankhamun, Metallica's For Whom the Bell Tolls and Sex Pistols God Save the Queen, for an encore they belted out TMTWNBBFN's Boilerplate Dan and ended on a rip roaring version of Jack Hall.

    A superb night, Amy Teacake, Mr Evil, Mr McBuggerballs V, Spook and Paul Shovelhands would like to thank everyone for the warm reception you gave us, Paul had quite a romantic surprise when his fiancee Evie turned up out of the blue (well actually smuggled up there by Spook!), he'd already bought flowers, nice work Mr Shovelhands.
    Finally the awesome BB Blackdog rounded off the night with an incredible performance, their blend of blues/psychedelia/funk creates a sound that BB have made all their own, it was great to catch up with these guys  again, we hadn't seen then for soooo long, we finally got to meet their new bassist, a fine lady called Molly and blimey can she play bass!!!!

    Sadly the night ended there, many thanks to Neon Tiger for letting us play and also many thanks to the very talented photographer Mr Steve Morrey who has kindly given me permission to use his photos here, cheers mate you are a star. You can see more of Steve's work here and if you wish to find out more about The Sophie Lancaster Foundation or if you wish to donate to this very worthy cause then please click on this link

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See you again soon playmates, here's some more photos.....